Episode 41: Arsena Schroeder

Arsena and I met a few years ago when I was running house sound for a live concert series in an old, deconsecrated church. She was a solo performer, just her, her guitar, and her ukelele. I liked her voice, I liked her songs, and we kept in touch. When she told me she was coming through Philly with her band, I had to have her on the show. Thankfully, we were able to make it happen.
She brought her band: a drummer and keyboardist. At first I was worried about that. I wanted to be able to include everyone, but I also wanted it to sound good. It was just like my live sound days, actually. Something unexpected shows up, so you make it work. And we definitely made it work. Huge thanks to Arsena and her band for their patience as I created a live performance space for them. I think we did pretty well.