Episode 52: Brian Walker

Brian Walker reached out to me seemingly out of the blue and asked to be on the show. Like a flake, I didn’t respond to his first e-mail, so he sent me a second one. Like a jackass, I threw out the perfunctory “Hey, cool, shoot me some dates you’re available and we’ll go from there.” Which he did. And followed up again. Because of the flakiness of me. So we really have Brian to thank for all of this.
A Day Without Love is Brian’s project, and he has a new record out called “Solace” on Sounds And Tones Records. Brian and I talk about the Philly DIY world, and how it’s hard to be one of the only black musicians in a predominantly white scene. Brian has no bones about calling out what he feels is hypocrisy in punk rock, but he does it in a way that doesn’t leave the door closed.
He wants people to come together. He wants people to support each other. He wants a scene that’s supposedly all about inclusion of anyone who wants to be a part of it to hold itself to the standards that it preaches. He’s an admirable dude, fighting the good fight, and helping open minds one at a time. He certainly opened mine.