285. Julian Booker
Dan has been listening to Julian Booker on WXPN for a long time, especially on Sleepy Hollow every Sunday morning. Julian sits down to talk about growing up in a music and radio house (his father was in the broadcast biz), working after school and summers in the production booth, his early days producing concerts for The Blockley in University City, moving to Ardmore Music Hall and being part of Rising Sun Presents, his love for music from around the world, as well as his time on the road with artists like Marc Benevento and Karina Rykman.
And speaking of WXPN, don't miss Xponential Music fest, 9/22-24 at Wiggins Park on the Camden Waterfront. Three days of amazing music, all curated by WXPN. Weekend and day passes available at xpnfest.org.